How to Rank up In Nefertum

a foreword: For all new recruits the level to get into nefertum as of now is 80+, 40+ for enis and sacs. Old members the new rule does no apply to, regardless of their level. Right now to deal with lack of members and encourage membership we are putting a mandatory few weeks requirement to get the first few promotions to lower ranks, but in the higher ranks based upon indivisual performance promotions will be appointed at any time deemed appropriate.

The guild will use our forums on the imps or our other forums to vote on major decisions which everyone who is registered will be entitled to vote. There will be some advanced voting decisions particularly with inviting certain new members, which are made by the higher ranking members of the guild. The members who consist of this sort of "electoral college" are the Servents, Scouts, Treasurers, Protectors , Second-in-Command, and Leader.

The Reservist rank you see also shows very low levels, these are officers alts, reject characters, and bonta/brak sellroom characters, they are in the guild for the sole purpose to maintain communication with the guild while the officer uses that character.
Apprentice new recruits

Recruiting Officer
about 8 to 12 days to get this rank

Counsellor (gain right to modify xp) couple of weeks or more

Secretary (right to use paddock if member shows need and is brak)

Guard this is essentially the generic full basic rank for under characters under lvl 100

Reservist all alts are required to be this rank

this is the generic full basic rank for all characters over lvl 100

Treasurer (hand picked needs to be very informative and capable of giving advice and have extensive knowledge of the guild)

Second in Command shown capabilites to be able to
lead(right rank/ban and up from this rank onward)

"Leader"-Kud i.e GodOfNefertum





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Well of Souls

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